class pyhelpers.dbms.MSSQL(host=None, port=None, username=None, password=None, database_name=None, confirm_db_creation=False, verbose=False, raise_error=False)[source]

A class for basic communication with Microsoft SQL Server databases.

  • host (str | None) – Name or IP address of the SQL Server, e.g. 'localhost' or ''; defaults to 'localhost' if not specified.

  • port (int | None) – Listening port of the SQL Server; defaults to 1433 if not specified (default by installation of the SQL Server).

  • username (str | None) – Username for authentication; if not provided, Windows Authentication is used.

  • password (str | int | None) – Password for the specified username; required for non-Windows Authentication.

  • database_name (str | None) – Name of the initial database to connect to; defaults to 'master' if not specified.

  • confirm_db_creation (bool) – Whether to prompt for confirmation before creating a new database (if the specified database does not exist); defaults to False.

  • verbose (bool | int) – Whether to print connection and operation details to the console; defaults to False.

  • raise_error (bool) – Whether to raise the provided exception; if raise_error=False (default), the error will be suppressed.

  • host (str) – Name or IP address of the SQL Server.

  • port (str) – Listening port of the SQL Server.

  • username (str) – Username used for authentication.

  • database_name (str) – Name of the connected database.

  • credentials (dict) – Contains basic information about the server and database.

  • auth (str | None) – Authentication method used for connection.

  • address (str) – String representation of the database connection address.

  • engine (sqlalchemy.engine.Engine) – SQLAlchemy engine connected to the SQL Server; see also [DBMS-MS-3].


>>> from pyhelpers.dbms import MSSQL
>>> mssql = MSSQL(verbose=True)
Connecting <server_name>@localhost:1433/master ... Successfully.
>>> mssql.address
>>> testdb = MSSQL(database_name='testdb', verbose=True)
Creating a database: [testdb] ... Done.
Connecting <server_name>@localhost:1433/testdb ... Successfully.
>>> testdb.database_name
>>> testdb.drop_database(verbose=True)
To drop the database [testdb] from <server_name>@localhost:1433
? [No]|Yes: yes
Dropping [testdb] ... Done.



Names of built-in schemas of Microsoft SQL Server.


Default database name.


Default dialect.


Default name of database driver.


Default host (server name).


Default ODBC driver.


Default listening port used by Microsoft SQL Server.


Default schema name.


Default username.


add_primary_key(column_name, table_name[, ...])

Adds a primary key constraint to a table.

connect_database([database_name, verbose, ...])

Establishes a connection to a database.

create_connection([database_name, mode])

Creates a SQLAlchemy connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database.


Creates a pyodbc cursor.

create_database(database_name[, verbose])

Creates a database.

create_engine([database_name, auth, password])

Creates a SQLAlchemy connectable engine for connecting to a SQL Server database.

create_schema(schema_name[, verbose, ...])

Creates a schema.

create_table(table_name, column_specs[, ...])

Creates a table with specified columns.


Checks whether a database exists.

disconnect_database([database_name, ...])

Disconnects from a database.

drop_database([database_name, ...])

Deletes/drops a database.

drop_schema(schema_names[, ...])

Deletes/drops one or multiple schemas.

drop_table(table_name[, schema_name, ...])

Deletes/drops a table.

get_column_info(table_name[, schema_name, ...])

Retrieves information about columns of a table.

get_column_names(table_name[, schema_name])

Retrieves column names of a table.


Gets names of all existing databases.


Retrieves information about FileTables from the database (if available).

get_primary_keys([table_name, schema_name, ...])

Retrieves the primary keys of table(s) from the currently-connected database.

get_row_count(table_name[, schema_name])

Gets the row count of a table.

get_schema_info([names_only, include_all, ...])

Retrieves information about existing schemas.

get_table_names([schema_name, verbose])

Gets names of all tables stored in one or multiple schemas.

has_dtypes(table_name, dtypes[, schema_name])

Checks whether a table contains columns of specified data types.

import_data(data, table_name[, schema_name, ...])

Imports tabular data into a table.

read_columns(table_name, column_names[, ...])

Reads data of specific columns of a table.

read_sql_query(sql_query[, method, ...])

Executes a SQL query and read the result into a DataFrame.

read_table(table_name[, schema_name, ...])

Reads data from a specified table.


Checks whether a schema exists.

specify_conn_str([database_name, auth, password])

Specify the connection string for establishing a connection to a database.

table_exists(table_name[, schema_name])

Checks whether a table exists.

validate_column_names(table_name[, ...])

Validates column names for use in a SQL query statement.

varchar_to_geometry_dtype(table_name, ...[, ...])

Alters a VARCHAR column containing geometry data to a geometry data type.