
LocationIdentifiers.make_xref_dict(keys, initials=None, drop_duplicates=False, as_dict=False, main_key=None, update=False, dump_it=False, dump_dir=None, verbose=False)[source]

Creates a dictionary or dataframe containing location code data for the specified keys.

  • keys (str | list) – A string or list of keys from ['CRS', 'NLC', 'TIPLOC', 'STANOX', 'STANME'] representing the location codes.

  • initials (str | list | None) – A string or list of initials for which the codes are filtered; defaults to None.

  • drop_duplicates (bool) – If True, removes duplicate entries from the result; defaults to False.

  • as_dict (bool) – If True, returns the result as a dictionary; otherwise, returns a dataframe; defaults to False.

  • main_key (str | None) – The key used for the returned dictionary when as_dict=True; defaults to None.

  • update (bool) – Whether to check for updates to the package data; defaults to False.

  • dump_it (bool) – If True, saves the result to a file; defaults to False.

  • dump_dir (str | None) – The directory path where the file can be saved, if dump_it=True; defaults to None.

  • verbose (bool | int) – Whether to print relevant information to the console; defaults to False.


A dictionary or dataframe containing cross-reference location data for the specified keys, or None if no data is available.

Return type:

dict | pandas.DataFrame | None


>>> from pyrcs.line_data import LocationIdentifiers
>>> # from pyrcs import LocationIdentifiers
>>> lid = LocationIdentifiers()
>>> stanox_dict = lid.make_xref_dict(keys='STANOX')
>>> type(stanox_dict)
>>> stanox_dict.head()
00005                       Aachen
04309           Abbeyhill Junction
04311        Abbeyhill Signal E811
04308   Abbeyhill Turnback Sidings
88601                   Abbey Wood
>>> s_t_dictionary = lid.make_xref_dict(keys=['STANOX', 'TIPLOC'], initials='a')
>>> type(s_t_dictionary)
>>> s_t_dictionary.head()
00005  AACHEN                       Aachen
04309  ABHLJN           Abbeyhill Junction
04311  ABHL811       Abbeyhill Signal E811
04308  ABHLTB   Abbeyhill Turnback Sidings
88601  ABWD                     Abbey Wood
>>> ks = ['STANOX', 'TIPLOC']
>>> ini = 'b'
>>> main_k = 'Data'
>>> s_t_dictionary = lid.make_xref_dict(ks, ini, main_k, as_dict=True)
>>> type(s_t_dictionary)
>>> list(s_t_dictionary.keys())
>>> list(s_t_dictionary['Data'].keys())[:5]
[('55115', ''),
 ('23490', 'BABWTHL'),
 ('38306', 'BACHE'),
 ('66021', 'BADESCL'),
 ('81003', 'BADMTN')]